Preserving The Legacy.


Jed & Rachel Rose Hirschi

Jed and Rachel worked for Dr. H.B. “Woody” Bartlett on the renowned Bartlett Ranch in southeastern Wyoming for 16 years. With Doc’s passing in 2021, his famous “Flying B” horse breeding operation ended and his legendary herd dispersed. To Jed — Doc’s head cowboy — he left the pick of 35 mares and two studs. With this cream of the crop, 35 Select Stock was born.

There are many great ranches in the United States that breed American Quarter Horses. But none rival the pure mare power that Doc entrusted to Jed. We continue to provide horses of the very highest quality — horses with Flying B bloodlines and nurtured according to the practices, principles, and vision Doc spent his lifetime perfecting. We honor him by keeping his memory alive in the most fitting way possible: through these magnificent animals. 

Of all of Doc’s many accomplishments, he was proudest of his horses, and he remained passionate and driven to better the American Quarter Horse breed throughout his life. The capstone of his successful horse program was in 2016 when he won the prestigious AQHA Best Remuda Award. He understood the joy horses bring to people, and he lit up each time he was around them or talking about them. Whether he was out riding his beloved “Little Cat”, driving across wide-open pastures in his Chevy admiring his latest foal crop, or flying his plane above the herd, he was most at home amongst his horses.  Come foaling season, branding foals, cutting colts, hosting his colt clinic, or presiding over sale day, there never was a happier man. He was in his element.

As we brand our foals each year with the “Flying 35,” we remember the man and the long road that brought us here.

“All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity: But the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act out their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible.”

T. E. Lawrence

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Our Buyers Speak!

I’ve been riding Flying B horses for over 45 years and Jed are Rachel were responsible for the breeding and getting these horses started in the right way. Doc and Mr. Bill Smith put together some of the best horses in the United States I got to meet a lot of good people and rode some of the best horses you could put a saddle on. Doc spent over 60 years producing horses and I feel very blessed to have been a part of his legacy and through Jed and Rachel, Docs legacy will live on. Thanks Doc for all the memories.

Jim P.

I am a proud owner of one of the first 35 Select Stock foals (by their stud, Hey There Mr Tin Man), and he is no doubt one of the best horses I will ever have. Never have I found such a sweet-natured and good minded colt, and he gets many many compliments. I’ve also ridden a few of their broke geldings, and they are a true pleasure to take to work and be around. Jed and Rachel select breedings and raise their colts with not only papers and conformation in mind, but even more importantly with gentleness and kindness. They produce foals that are consistent in quality and will become willing partners for a variety of purposes. The same can be said of any 35 horse of any age – Jed and Rachel are conscientious horsemen who can be counted on to help you pick the best horse for your needs. If you’re fortunate enough to spend any time with the Hirschi’s, it is clear to see that first and foremost, they are stewards of the horse. They carry on the legacy of the Bartlett Ranch with the same integrity and knowledge as Doc Bartlett, and you cannot go wrong with a horse that carries the 35 Select Stock brand.

Whitney G.

I’ve ridden Bartlett Ranch horses my entire adult life and currently own five. I’m a firm believer in this program and these people. Rest assured when you buy a horse from 35 Select Stock it’s never had anything bad done to it and has been treated with respect and kindness. Jed and Rachel Rose Hirschi are expert horsemen and phenomenal people who care about their craft and the horses with which they were entrusted. When you buy a horse from them you’ll find it comes with a willing heart, eager to learn. If you’ve ever owned a cutting-bred horse you know how incredibly smart, intuitive and athletic they are. 35 Select Stock’s breeding program is infused with some of the best cutting horses in the business – Metallic Cat, Dual Rey, Playgun, Peppy San Badger, Especial, Highbrow Cat, Peptoboonsmal, Smooth As a Cat, Handlebar Doc just to name a few. Dr. H.B. “Woody” Bartlett spent a lifetime perfecting the cross of these horses with bigger-boned versions from other disciplines with just as strong a pedigree. He used the foundation bloodlines of Three Bars, Leo and Rey, later Dash for Cash, ELS Scottish Nick, Royals Diligents and more to provide the speed, bones and versatility that run strong in this herd. The result is a quick-minded, athletic colt with good bone structure ready to take you anywhere you want to go. Rachel and Jed were entrusted with his ranch horse herd for more than a decade and they benefited from his penchant for breeding cutting horses but not having to sell them. If Doc had a cutting horse mare he didn’t think was going to win as much as his coveted Rey’s Desire (LTE $393,765.86) he’d simply turn them out in the broodmare band at his Wyoming Ranch. He left Jed and Rachel their pick of 35 mares and two stallions upon his death in 2021. Preserving the legacy of Doc’s Best Remuda award-winning program in addition to a genuine love for breeding and raising horses is what drives them. I can’t wait to see where this herd takes them. You simply cannot go wrong with one of these horses. 

Carol B.

How to compose in less than a page? Overall, the bloodlines of the 35 Select Stock herd are outstanding and speak for themselves. But what is even more impressive is the fact that every one of Jed Hirschi’s horses have been handled from day one with gentleness and understanding of each one’s personality and breeding strength. We met Jed at the 2021 WYO Quarter Horse Sale, and were extremely impressed with his honesty and the fact that he knew firsthand the history of each horse Dr. Bartlett had in the sale. There’s more story, but we happily purchased a five year old, wonderfully trained gelding from Jed in the fall of 2021. Following a thorough post-sale health check, our vet was practically giddy as he reviewed with us the x-rays of our gelding’s feet. He commented a number of times on the wonderful soundness of the horse and surprised us with a rare compliment that we had made a very savvy investment. Keeping in contact with Jed, we ended up purchasing a second horse from him six months later. A year older and even more experienced, I began almost immediately using him in pattern horse racing competition. He is amazing, and we get comments on him regularly that would go to a person’s head, except that we had nothing to do with it. It was all Jed! If you are wanting a horse with great bloodlines, wonderful soundness, super personality, and amazing training, 35 Select Stock is where you should look. 

Karen & Kevin V.

I have known Jed Hirschi for a few years now and have had opportunity to watch him work with horses, and manage the breeding operation at the Bartlett Ranch. The CS Cattle Company has bought a stallion and filly through the direction of Jed. I trust his judgement, and know the horses he raises to be correct on their feet and legs, have willing minds and are a combination of cow sense, speed, honesty, and intelligence. He also does the best job I know of in halter breaking and handling young horse’s feet. I believe Jed to be a man of his word with a deep level of integrity.

Mary D.

Jed and Rachel Hirschi at 35 Select Stock are carrying on the bloodlines that make an ultimate ranch and performance horse. From the combination of cutting, race, old halter, and old ranch blood, the horses at 35 Select Stock possess a mind unlike any other. I’ve grown up around these bloodlines, and can happily say that the filly I bought from them this year is one of the most pleasant, and smartest babies I’ve gentled and halter broke. (Hey There Mr Tin Man x Scottish Pound) She takes to a task easily, quietly, and with a presence about herself that makes me excited for her futurity years. I couldn’t be more happy with this filly if I tried. Thank you to the Hirschi’s for holding on to this legacy, and nurturing its continuation. 

Kyla S.

Jed with 35 Select Stock has been extremely easy to deal with and truly stands behind their horses. It is hard to find breeders who are so honest, knowledgeable and committed to producing quality stock. Several years ago we bought our first Bartlett bred gelding who had been ridden by Jed. This gelding has gone on the excel in AQHA Ranch Versatility shows. It is because of this gelding we have returned several times to acquire more horses from this breeding program. These horses are the whole package; they have the looks, brains, pedigree, and ability to excel in ranch versatility shows and the day-to-day ranch work required on working ranches.

Amanda J.

Once in a while you find that great horse, and with the bonus of a really great trainer. We drove to LaGrange, Wyoming (8 hour drive one way) to look at and bring home a blue roan ranch horse. The horse happened to be the horse Jed Hirschi used as his personal horse. We really liked the horse. Decided to take him home. As we were doing paper work, I looked over where the horse was tied, and there was Jed, with his arms around his neck telling him goodbye. It almost broke my heart to take him away. I believe that Jed has that kind of compassion for all the horses he trains. I still try to stay in contact with Jed. He is a good honest man.

Boyd F.

P.O.Box 14910
Jackson, WY 83002


“Always open and ready to talk horses”

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